KuLaDig - Culture. Landscape. Digital. - is an information system about the historical cultural landscape and the scenic cultural heritage.
Here, sights of various municipalities are described and made digitally tangible.
The communities of the VG Göllheim are already represented here with many contributions:
- Community center Bürgertreff Weitersweiler (BÜT)
- Village square with fountain in Weitersweiler
- Three-sided farm Hauptstraße 28 in Weitersweiler
- General store Kirchner in Weitersweiler
- Jewish cemetery in Albisheim
- Jewish cemetery in Weitersweiler
- Chapel of Saint Bartholomew in Weitersweiler
- Artist courtyard main street 12-14 in Weitersweiler
- Local community Weitersweiler
- Knight's stone "Hasenbühl battle of the two kings on 02.07.1298".
- Sandstone partnership stone in Weitersweiler
- Blacksmith shop main street 27 in Weitersweiler
- Statue Johannes Neopmuk Göllheim
- Wartturm on the Wingertsberg near Albisheim
- Residential house Hauptstraße 8 in Weitersweiler