Local mayor: Dieter Hartmüller, phone 06351/1230297

The seat of the municipality lies at 244 m above sea level between the Kaiserstraßensenke and the foothills of the Göllheimer Hügelland. The local district covers over 1800 ha, of which 513 ha are woodland.
Göllheim, with a population of about 3825, is the largest town in the municipality and serves as a basic center for the surrounding area with a Realschule Plus and a specialized secondary school, modern daycare centers, a therapeutic pedagogical children's center, stores, banks, medical practices and the municipality administration. As a locational advantage, the community has good traffic connections to the L 401, the B 47 and the A 63.

The doubling of the population over the last 40 years has been accommodated by the designation of several new development areas. In addition, there are commercial and industrial areas in which important large companies such as Linde (gas) and Dyckerhoff (cement) are located in addition to craft and commercial enterprises.
Since 1977 there has been a partnership with the French municipality of La Clayette (Burgundy) and since 1990 with the Italian locality of Marano Equo (Lazio). The recognized tourist community has a sports and leisure center with a stadium, DFB mini-pitch, artificial turf facility, two sports halls as well as a bowling hall and five tennis courts. The cultural center of the village is formed by the museum Uhl'sches Haus, the Garten der Begegnung, the appealing Haus Gylnheim, the exhibition rooms "Kleine Galerie" in the Kerzenheimer Tor as well as the modern community library connected to the Southwest German Library Association.
There are several restaurants and accommodation options for tourists. The Göllheim forest offers ideal opportunities for those seeking relaxation and hiking enthusiasts: the Adolf von Nassau hiking trail leads through a varied mixed forest and provides information on an important event in medieval German imperial history (the Battle of Hasenbühl on July 2, 1298). In addition, the West Palatinate hiking trail and well-signposted hiking trails of the Palatinate Forest Association run through the forest and district.
On the site of the former "Dachsberg" quarry, where the Dyckerhoff company mined tertiary limestone for cement production for many years, the geological composition can be explored on a signposted circular hiking trail.
In recent years, the "Göllheimer Torbogenfest" has developed into a festival of regional significance, which is celebrated on the first weekend in August in the old town center with its many preserved and carefully restored historic buildings. On the 2nd weekend of Advent, a two-day Christmas market is held in a pre-Christmas atmosphere in the old town center.
You can access the website of the municipality of Göllheim via the following link: www.gemeinde-goellheim.de