Aerial view of fields and meadows, Donnersberg in the background

Easy language

Easy language

Information in easy language

You are on the Internet site:

The website is the municipality of Göllheim.

Here you will find information about the structure of the Internet site in plain language.

Start page:

At the top left of the Internet page is the sign of the Verbandsgemeinde Göllheim.

Click on the sign.

You always come back to the home page


Are you looking for a topic?

At the top right you will find a search field.

The search field is green.

You can recognize the search field by the magnifying glass.

Click on the magnifying glass.

Write a word in the search field.

You will find results for your search word.

Main topics:

At the top of the Internet page are 5 main themes.

Under each main topic you will find a lot of information.

The main topics are:

City Hall

Information about the administration of the municipality of Göllheim.

All tasks of administration, staff and citizen service.

Tourism & Culture

Information on attractions, recreational activities, libraries and events.

Living & Building

Information on building plots and development plans.

Information on renting and urban development promotion Göllheim.

VG Works

Information on water supply and waste disposal.

Installer directory and applications.


Information about the local communities of the municipality of Göllheim.

Structure of the Internet site:

At the top of the Internet page are 5 main themes.

Click on a main topic.

On the right side of the Internet page you will find the sub-topics on many pages.

In the middle you will find a text with a lot of information.

At the bottom of each page you will find a blue box with information about:

  • Contact
  • Opening hours
  • Imprint
  • Privacy
  • Accessibility
  • Easy language

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