Children playing in the yard of the elementary school

Vacation care

Vacation care

Vacation care for primary school children

Once again this year, the municipality of Göllheim is offering vacation care for primary school children.

The childcare takes place in the Göllheim elementary school with the associated sports facility.

As always, vacation care is available in the fourth and fifth week of the summer vacations and in the second week of the fall vacations.

  1. Summer vacation: 28.07.2025 to 08.08.2025
  2. Autumn vacation: 20.10.2025 to 24.10.2025

 The offer can be booked by the week and costs € 50.00 per week in the summer vacations and € 75.00 in the fall vacations.

Childcare runs from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and only includes a warm lunch in the fall holiday care . Lunch is not provided during summer vacation care , so please provide the children with sufficient food for the whole day.

There is no prescribed program. You can decide for yourself how you want to spend your time in vacation care.

Playing, crafting or letting off steam in the gym. The focus is on fun.

Almost anything is possible.

Registration forms are available from the school secretariat of the Göllheim and Zellertal elementary school or from the Göllheim municipal administration,

Mr. Magsamen 06351/4909-30.

You are also welcome to request a corresponding registration form by e-mail( or simply download it from (homepage à vacation care), fill it out and submit it to the Göllheim municipal administration.

 Other vacation offers:

  • Summer - Vacation - Children's Circus Pepperoni Göllheim (July 29 to August 01, 2025) for children aged 8-13 years
  • Summer - Vacation - Pepperoni Children's Circus Harxheim

(August 12 to August 15, 2025) for children aged 8-13 years

Registrations for the Pepperoni children's circus in Harxheim can only be made via Ms. Regina Geller (06355-989413 or

  • Theater Workshop Göllheim - Children make theater

(Autumn vacation: October 13 - October 17, 2025) for children aged 7-12 years