Monument protection
There are monument zones in the local communities of Biedesheim, Dreisen, Göllheim, Rüssingen, Weitersweiler and Zellertal. These are illustrated and explained in more detail below.
Local church Biedesheim

village center main streets 24-28, 34-54, 21-29, 39-45
dense sequence of (largely four-sided) yards with gateways and gateways, 18th/19th century with rear barn ring
Local church Dreisen

Village center Grafschaftsstraße 12-16, Kaiserstraße 39, Rathausstraße 5, 6, 7, Schulstraße 8-17
Closed, uniform building structure, essentially 18th century, with one or two-story half-timbered houses, gateways, church and town hall.
Local community Göllheim

Village center Klostergasse, Steingasse, Hauptstraße 35, 37, 39, 41, 44, 46/48, 50, 51, 53, 57, 68, 70, Steigstraße 2 and 4, Dr-Fritz-Eidt-Straße 1, 2, 3 and 6
historically grown building stock of the 17th - 19th century with Prot. Church and town hall as well as different house and yard forms typical for the landscape in appearance around 1900
Friedhofstraße / Friedhof
laid out around 1850, extended in 1860; parts of the original walling, cemetery cross dated 1913, six gravestones in relief, 1st half of 18th century, gravestones from the Gründerzeit, burial place of the Uhl family and Siegel, around 1925
Local community Rüssingen

Hauptstraße 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34/35, 37
ten characteristic courtyard complexes of the 18th / 19th century, predominantly four-sided courtyards with gateways or gate drives, exceptionally many original details and rear barn ring, as well as former school
Local community Weitersweiler

Main Street Christian Cemetery
established in 1856, expanded in 1898 and 1960/61; in the northwestern area along the cemetery wall closed historic burial ground, mostly with original borders
Municipality of Zellertal - Zell district

village center Hauptstraße 1, 3-22, 24, 26, Fritz-Golsen-Straße 1-3, Osterberg 1
picturesque streetscape with almost closed building stock of the 16th - 19th century with small and medium sized farmhouses, craftsmen's and day laborer's houses as well as prot. parsonage (1988), former schoolhouse (1837), former collegiate church (1750/53) and the two churches (17th/18th century), which characterize the landscape
Further information on this can be found at Landesdenkmalpflege.